Fernando Vives
Fernando Vives is Executive Chairman at Garrigues, where he headed the corporate practice from 2001 to 2009 until he become managing partner. He is a Lecturer in Business Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid (ICADE). He holds law and economics degrees from Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, where he also got his PhD in law (cum law). His doctoral received was awarded with the “José María Ramón San Pedro” prize for best doctoral thesis in law and business. His practice is focused on corporate law, corporate governance, M&A, public offerings, leveraged buyouts, private equity, and capital markets. The most prestigious international ranking named Fernando Vives as one of the best corporate lawyers in Spain. He has been a member of the board of directors in various lusted companies, and he has been involved in the most important corporate transactions taking place in Spain in the past decades. He has been a member of the Group of Experts in Corporate Governance appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy to improve the governance of public companies in Spain. He has also been part of various committees of experts created by various national authorities, including the Institute for Audit and Accounting and the Spanish Securities Regulator (CNMV). He has written dozens of articles and book chapters on corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, accounting law, private equity, capital markets. He is the recipient of several awards, including the San Raimundo de Peñafort Order´s Medal of Honor granted by the Minister of Justice for his contributions to the improvement, development of internationalization of the legal profession in Spain.